Waterlase iPlus

Waterlase iPlus

The Waterlase iPlus is an innovative laser system created by Biolase to perform both hard and soft tissue dental treatments. It's unique 2780nm wavelength coupled with the 940nm iLase diode provide the ideal energies to perform dental treatment, provide disinfection and promote wound healing.

The light energy emitted by the Waterlase can be varied in intensity and frequency to specifically target a tissue requiring treatment. By altering the laser settings, enamel, dentin, pulp tissue, gingival tissue, connective tissue and bone can all be targeted individually allowing the operator (dentist) to provide a very precise treatment. The applied laser energy splits water molecules releasing enough energy to ablate the target tissue. The Waterlase supplies the tissues with a continuous spray of water to create a wet surface layer that is attacked by the laser energy.

The laser handpiece does not make contact with the target tissue like a traditional dental handpiece and therefore does not create any vibration. Unlike other laser systems, the Waterlase attacks water moelcules and produces little to no heat. Vibration and heat produce discomfort and sensitivity - because the Waterlase produces neither, there is no discomfort.

Most treatments can be completed without the use of local anesthesia!

Most carious lesions can be treated without anesthesia. These include all classifications of dental fillings including replacement of composite restorations. The waterlase can not typically be used for crown preparation or replacement of amalgam restorations.

Many surgical treatments can be completed with the use of a simple topical anesthetic gel - including periodontal therapies, soft tissue crown-lengthening and recontouring, fibroma removal, biopsies, frenectomies, aphthous ulcer and herpetic lesion treatments and pigmentation therapy. Most other treatments will require anesthesia, but in a significantly reduced amount.

The unique nature of the Waterlase energy not only allows for treatment with minimal anesthesia, but it will actually promote wound healing. The post-operative discomfort is minimized (and often is non-existent) and wound healing time is dramatically reduced. Periodontal and endodontic treatments can be dramatically improved by the disinfection action of the laser. When periodontal pockets are fully cleansed and disinfected with the Waterlase, the patient can expect to have minimal post-operative discomfort and reduction of pocket depth by promoting new attachment. Studies have shown that combining Waterlase disinfection with endodontic treatment will produce a root canal environment that is 99.987% disinfected! 

Combine Waterlase therapy with the convenience of CEREC single appointment ceramic restorations and patients will have a dental treatment experience like no other!

Below is a noncomprehensive list of Waterlase treatments:

All classes of cavity preparation, removal of decay and enameloplasty
Disinfection of periodontal pockets
Removal of subgingival calculus and cementum
Smoothing root surfaces to promote reattachment
Removing diseased soft tissues
Surgical flap access (full, partial and split thickness)
Osseous crown-lengthening
Osteoplasty, osteotomy, osteoectomy
Fibroma removal
Surgical extraction of teeth
Gingivectomy, gingivoplasty
Implant access and preparation
Pulpotomy, pulpectomy, root canal disinfection
Aphthous ulcers (canker sores)
Herpetic lesions


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2025 Basinview Dental; Dr. Luke Haslam